County News

Fall Draw Downs of Tongue River dams

Fall Draw Downs of Dams

Posted 09/16/2024 read more »

July 30, 2024 Soils Committee Agenda

July 30, 2024 Soils Committee Agenda

Posted 07/26/2024 read more »

Pembina County Reappraisal Project

Pembina County Reappraisal Project

Posted 06/06/2024 read more »

2024 Approved Agricultural Land Modifiers

If you feel your agricultural parcel may qualify, please reach out to your respective assessor. If you have further questions, please call the Pembina County Tax Office at 701-265-4697.

Posted 01/19/2024 read more »

Temporary Hours

Posted 01/16/2024 read more »

Unofficial Soils Committee Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2023

Unofficial Soils Committee Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2023

Posted 11/16/2023 read more »

Soils Committee Minutes - September 22, 2023

Pembina County Soils Committee Meeting Minutes from September 22, 2023

Posted 10/25/2023 read more »

September 8, 2023 -Pembina County Soils Committee Reorganizational Meeting

Reorganizational Meeting of the Pembina County Soils Committee - September 8, 2023

Posted 10/25/2023 read more »

Pembina County Soils Committee Meeting Minutes - September 8, 2023

Pembina County Soils Committee Meeting Minutes - September 8, 2023

Posted 10/25/2023 read more »

Expansion of the Homestead Tax Credit for 2023

On April 27, 2023, Governor Doug Burgum signed HB 1158 into law. This legislation broadens the eligibility requirements and maximum reduction amounts for those applying for the North Dakota Homestead Property Tax Credit program.

Posted 10/19/2023 read more »

Tomorrow's Pembina County Commission Meeting Rescheduled

Posted 10/02/2023 read more »

Public Participation at Board Meetings

Posted 06/08/2023 read more »

2024 Spring Load Restrictions

Posted 04/24/2023 read more »

Agricultural Land Reappraisals

Agricultural Land Reappraisals (NOT reviewed by Vanguard)

Posted 04/03/2023 read more »

PC Soils Committee Meeting - November 10

Pembina County Soils Committee Meeting Postponed

Posted 11/10/2022 read more »
